Transformation is hard. While many organizations possess the desire to change, anxiety, fear, guilt, denial, burying harm, abusive dynamics, and lack of trust are barriers to transformation.
Avant Group supports organizations with anti-oppressive, health equity, and racial equity work via enhancing accountability, trust, safety, and emotional regulation in the workplace.
By partnering with Avant Group, organizations can expect to:
Interrupt cycles of inequities
Challenge racism in every policy, process, and action
Build trust via accountability and transparency
Provide pleasurable spaces for racialized individuals to release internalized oppression and connect to self
Implement tenets of anti-racist leadership
Disrupt racism across socio-political and economic systems
Cultivate internal community for organizational change and trust
Establish anti-racist cultural norms
Incorporate elements of accountability and build accountable organizations
Prioritize interdependent leaders over non-collaborative leaders
Develop healthy organizational practices
Identify and disrupt abusive dynamics at work
Cultivate individual, interpersonal, and organizational trust
Learn how to be wrong
Create anti-racist community agreements
Manage conflict without burying harm
Enhance capacity for supervisors to change
Interrupt internalized, interpersonal, and systemic racism
Incorporate transformative justice (e.g., unearth conflicts, foster grace, create structures to elevate conflict)
Engage in burnout recovery, boundary maintenance, conflict management, emotional regulation, and relational skill building